12/10/18 Go After the Prodigals
Category: /General/
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Love heals and love restores.Love covers.
Love protects a reputation.
I can help someone.
People need to know that I care.
The closest thing to Your heart is helping hurting people.
The most important thing is helping hurting people.
I need to reach out to Your sons and daughters.
I have an assignment.
I need to watch after the people You have placed in the path You have laid out for me.
I am on a mission from You.
Galatians 6:1
I need to gently restore those who need to be restored.
Your mercy is bigger than any mistakes.
Your goodness leads us to repentance and many people think that You are an angry God.
Because of what Christ has done, we can have a relationship with You.
In Romans 2:4, You promise that Your goodness leads to repentance.
You are going to work and You are at work.
Love never fails.
I need to let You do the work.
I can sow the seed.
You have mercy.
You are waiting with open arms to receive us.
I need to be kind, loving, forgiving and merciful.
Amen, thank You.
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