12/3/18 Pastor Osteen's Telling People What They Can Become
Category: /General/
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I need to tell people what they can become.Your sons and daughters have gifts and talents.
Your children have seeds of greatness.
The students in Your classrooms are future leaders.
You have put dreams and goals in their hearts.
You have the potential to use this site to encourage them and the family members You have given them.
All of Your people have seeds of greatness.
Words have creative power.
How can I be a blessing and who can I encourage?
You have given Mrs. Vivian the desire to use technology to build people up and this dream belongs to her.
I can write letters to her and send it in the mail.
You can use me and we can both use technology to build people up.
We can also build bridges of trust and understanding.
Parents should never put their children down.
We all need our parents to believe in us.
We can make a difference in the world.
You have given us creativity, ideas, etc.
We can go farther than our parents.
We need to stir up the gifts and the seeds of greatness.
Technology and understanding are increasing.
I have a vision of using technology to encourage people.
This message is from 2012.
We are people of destiny.
We can do all things through You who strengthens us.
Your Church will do amazing things in life.
You saw potential in people.
Matthew 5:14
With Your words, You helped to shaped our future.
People are already beaten down enough by life.
I can call people what they can become.
We all need someone to believe in us.
The people who are restricted are at possibility and You are waiting to release us.
Without someone believing in us, we will not reach our potential.
You are on our side.
We can use words to lift people.
Amen, thank You.
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