Category: /General/
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I at this moment in life such as it is
Am ashamed of myself for reasons..
After all I've done and given and worked
After I've passed all tests of life's seasons..
After for what ever reason I've end up
Over time looking back married to or with..
Every soul that wasted their and my time
With myself having all I ever had to give..
I had dreams within was worth way more
I expected way more of myself over time..
Endless are so better off today because of me
And here I am today with one pride that's mine..
Being a little woman that has also done likewise
And still today she is my strength with her all..
Who I looking back at my life such as it's been
Should if not for her been long ago to fall..
I really know I've passed every test given me
Being myself I expected myself to be better still..
And ending up where I am at this point in time
Her I feel to thank I'm still alive at my age until..
I know wearing my shoes few would be yet alive
But feeling I could have solved way more my thirst..
And the credit goes I feel to her that I yet breath
After all done given and many a dreams bubble burst..
Her never to complain yet and I myself do my share
I get so fed up looking at my own results in life's test..
And if not for her my life would be another Titanic
Still she performs and remains simply doing her best..
I expected here and now more of myself on this day
I as well expected way more values from others many..
But behind me for the very first time in my very life
It's her alone that's behind me when gone all and any..
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2017
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