3/12/19 Pastor Osteen's Keeping Strife Out of My Life
Category: /General/
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I need to keep the strife out of the life You have given me.We are all different.
Strife is a destructive force.
I should give no place to the Enemy.
Mark 3
I need to stay in peace.
I need to walk away and let things go for the sake of peace.
I would rather have peace than my way.
If I let You do it Your way, You will change what needs to be changed.
Unity increases favor.
I need to live in peace and harmony.
I need to make allowances for weaknesses as You have made allowances for my weaknesses.
In Psalms, You say that there is a commanded blessing on unity.
I need to be a peacemaker.
I need to walk away from arguments.
I need to put my ego down.
I would rather have peace that my way all of the time.
Arguing and being right boils down to pride.
I need to humble myself.
I need to accept help instead of always turning it down.
I need to make the first move.
I need to take the first step.
None of us are perfect, Lord.
You are the Only One who is perfect, God.
I can be a difference maker.
I need to get rid of the discord.
There is power in agreement.
I want to be a peacemaker.
James 3
I need to keep the strife out.
Matthew 5:9 says that blessed are the makers and maintainers of peace.
I need to maintain the peace.
Proverbs 20 says that avoiding a fight is a mark of honor.
I need to walk away from conflict.
There is a right way and time to address issues.
I need to do it calmly and I need to leave it there.
I need to do things Your Way.
I need to be a maker and maintainer of peace.
Amen, thank You.
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