6/2/19 The Book of Joel
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Power, strength, and might cannot even touch Your power as You are omnipotent, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit of the Living God Almighty (NLT, 1850). Not only did You create us and the solar systems but You also created the galaxies, atoms, and natural laws as You are the Sovereign Lord who rules all there is and ever will be (NLT, 1850). You are the Creator of the Universe as well as our Omnipotent Judge who is also merciful and wants to bless all who trust You (NLT, 1850). Forgiveness comes by turning from sin and turning towards You, God (NLT, 1851). It's not too late to receive Your forgiveness and it's Your greatest desire for us to come to You (NLT, 1851). Justice and restoration are in Your hands as You are in control (NLT, 1851). Even though sin brings Your judgment, there is also great mercy with Your justice (NLT, 1851). You urged parents to pass their history down to the children that You have given them, telling over and over the important lessons that You have taught them and the life stories are one of the greatest gifts You have given me to help me repeat Your successes while avoiding the mistakes of those who have gone before us (NLT, 1852). Without You, destruction is sure and we should not let anything hinder us from turning to You (NLT, 1853-1855). When You rule, Your restoration will be complete (NLT, 1856). In Your day, You promise in Joel 2:28-29 that You will pour out Your Spirit upon all people and this includes but is not limited to servants (NLT, 1857). In Joel 2:32, You promise that everyone who calls upon Your name will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as You have said and these will be among the survivors whom You have called (NLT, 1858). Your day is the day in which You will judge the nations and You have confirmed through Your Messengers on Up With the Son that this day has not come yet (NLT, 1858). Your intention is to heal and save and my prayer is that more people will accept Your gracious gift of salvation so that they will be spared from Your judgment in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Merciful and Forgiving to us all (NLT, 1858). In 3:16, You promise that You will be a refuge for Your people, a strong fortress for the people of Israel (NLT, 1859). I need to take Your offer of hope to those who You have placed in our paths (NLT, 1859). The Last Word will be Your Word and Your return is none of my business (NLT, 1860). Nonetheless, Your Ultimate Sovereignty will be revealed in the end and I need to be ready (NLT, 1860 and Your Message via Pastor Bradshaw on 6/2/19).Favorite Favorite Comment Comment Share Share
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