
3/15/19 Pastor Osteen's The God Who Goes Before Me

Category: /General/
In the book of Isaiah, You said that You would go before me to level the mountains.
You are leveling the mountains.
You are the Lord, our God.
You are All-Powerful.
You want to give those around me some evidence.
You summoned me by name.
I have not seen anything yet.
You don't want me to live on past victories.
You are about to break some generational curses.
You are breaking chains.
You are cutting through the bars of iron.
I am not on my own.
Joshua 24:12
Your ways are not my ways.
I need to trust You.
You are going ahead of me.
You have the final say.
You know when the right time is.
You are holding the vehicle that belongs to me.
You know what and who I am going to need in the future.
You are a Strategic God.
You are concerned about us and the people around us.
You love us unconditionally.
In Your great mercy, You are here to help me get back on the right course.
You are giving me another chance.
I am like Jonah.
You are with me even when I make mistakes and You have gone before me in the wrong direction.
Amen, thank You.

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