5/5/19 Pastor Osteen's God Is Our Source
Category: /General/
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You are the Source and everything and everyone You use are the resources that You have given.James 1:17
Every good gift comes from You.
The job and the Church are the resources You have been using to bless me.
You are the Provider.
The family is also a resource.
You can use different resources.
The gift of writing and the talent of Poetry are also resources that You have been using to encourage us.
Technology is a resource that You have been using to help me to learn.
Creativity is a resource that You have been using to make a difference.
The cellular phone is a resource that You use to speak to me.
You are the Source and Creation is the resource.
Your goodness is all around us.
Every good thing comes from You.
You are the Source and You are working.
You are the Most High God.
This site is a resource that You are using for self-expression.
2 Kings 4
You, the Source, are still Alive and Well.
You know how to multiply the small things.
You are so merciful that You don't expect us to have great faith all of the time.
What You ask is more about the obedience and the blockages are a test.
The interruptions are also a test.
You have supernatural provision.
You are sending a Supernatural Flow.
Creativity and restoration are flowing.
Ideas are about to flow.
I need to get in agreement with You.
You have a way where I don't see a way.
You know where the hidden riches are and You know where all of the treasures are.
You know what I need and You know when I am going to need it.
You have it all figured out.
I need to go to You.
You want us to depend in You.
I am limited and I am restricted.
You are Unlimited and You want to help us.
John 21
I need to come to You, ask You for help and acknowledge You as the Source.
I am about to come into a prepared blessing.
Amen, thank You.
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