
4/22/19 Trusting God To Do It His Way

Category: /General/
Isaiah 55:8
I need to trust You to do it Your way.
I need to stay open.
I need to let You out of the box.
You can use whoever You want to use.
You can save whoever He wants to save.
You can bring good out of whoever You want to bring good out of.
You are God and You can do what You want to do.
You are answering prayers even if it's not the way that's expected.
I need to stay open to how You answer prayers.
You know what You are doing and You see the big picture.
John 9
You are using many different methods to heal people.
Many of us are afraid because we don't want to get in trouble.
You are a God of Mercy.
You are Strong.
Staying open is important for the students to reach their highest potential.
You have many ways to do it.
I need to be more interested in pleasing You than in pleasing people.
You are an All-Powerful God.
You are a Sovereign God.
Your way is the best way.
Psalm 37:4
2 Kings 5:11
I need to trust You.
Amen, thank You.

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