5/11/19 Pastor Osteen's Praising Your Way To Victory
Category: /General/
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You are worthy to be praised just because You are God Almighty.You are still on the Throne.
Negativity limits what You can do.
You are moved by faith.
The Spirit of faith is in our words.
You are Jehovah Jireh.
Jonah 2:8-9
You are working.
I will lend and not borrow.
You are a God of Mercy and Grace.
To those who are oppressed, You are a God of Justice.
Psalm 149
You are Wonderful.
There is always a Jericho between us and our destinies.
The shout activates Your power.
Barriers will be broken.
Isaiah 54:1
2 Kings 3
Negativity causes promises to die stillborn.
Rain in the Scripture represents blessings, favor and increase.
You are showing us favor.
Thank You for Your gift of creativity.
Praise is an attitude.
If I don't praise You, the rocks will cry out.
Amen, thank You.
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