5/25/19 Pastor Skip's Connection
Category: /General/
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Thanks for sharing Your Word even on Your Website and Your Word will come alive on this very site in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Word who was made flesh.You are getting ready to speak through Pastor Skip on Your Connection right now.
The world is watching how we live and I am under scrutiny.
Many of those who don't believe in You criticize You and Your people.
I am not hated, just mistrusted at times.
Those who don't believe in You label the bold believers as narrow, bigot, and other synonyms such as these.
2 Corinthians 11
The Christian life is a battleground, not a playground.
The book of Philippians is a book of joy in which Paul wrote to the Philippians as saints, servants, and soldiers.
Philippians 1:27-28, 29-30
The message is how to stand for You when the world wants me to fall.
4 Qualities on how to stand include consistency, unity, and two more qualities that You will mention next time.
Consistency is the first quality.
Polis is a city-state, a free state.
You confirm in Philippians 3 that my citizenship is in heaven.
I need to let my conduct be worthy of Your Gospel, Jesus Christ.
I need to walk the walk.
My practice needs to match my proclamation.
I need to bear fruits that are worthy of repentance.
I must never live beneath my beliefs, or theology.
A godly, consistent life is one of the greatest witnesses against the Devil.
1 John 1:6
The Gospel is filled with love, forgiveness, hope, and holiness.
Unity is the second quality.
I need to stand firm, which means to stand my post and not leave my guard.
There are some great metaphors, or poetic devices that compares without using like or as, in this section of the letter.
It takes teamwork and we need to stand together.
Unity does not mean uniformity or uninimity.
Unity means harmony, or working together or cooperation.
You prayed for unity in John 17.
The book of Genesis is where You told me to be fruitful and multiply.
Amen, thank You.
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