Category: /General/
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Once upon a time it seems away down the line
Life was back then as simple as could be
There were always answers to almost everything
Common sense it reined all the while and free
Your friends were your friends and they stayed
Real friends all the while once upon a time
One always had a real friend to talk to and with
About anything that might be away down the line
But after what seems the longest time later on
One could honestly say they have not got a one
That they knew deeply within it's of late true
Those days long gone and over as they are done
So many live today in a world of their very own
Others could not bath without thanking as if god
All puppets of an imaginary power on ever so high
Until their very bodies return to once again sod
The simplicity of calling once in for a cup of tea
And asking them have you a moment friend to spare
Over a chat and a biscuit or two one once asked
About a concern giving their soul a little air
Not a word was ever spoken of that conversation
Knowing that one day up the track a little rain
And they too could need a friend one day true
To ask an opinion about something much the same
But this simplicity is over gone and done with
Nobody can really trust another as once long ago
This simplicity is no longer in existence any more
It's something for several generations they don't know
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2017
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