Category: /General/
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Akara, the champion of the witchcraft foods. Foolish people say it is a delicacy, because each ball has conjured excrement into it, which is why witches love it. And it is the cheapest food in devil's economy.
Where do Hepatitis, Malaria, typhoid fever, madness, etc come from? From Akara. These illnesses and a lot more trouble are usually conjured into each Akara ball. Enough trouble. It may (seriously) take twenty years to cast out all the demons taken in by a person present in one ball of Akara. And you know demons make witches "strong" but escort them to hell fire. So, they consume Akara stapley as a poor man's food, rather than a weapon? Besides, Akara vendors are usually witches and the Akara making spot is usually a witchcraft coven. While any other food may be demonized, Akara is always, primarily, as a rule, demonized and is a witchcraft food.
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