I'm Having Fun
Category: /General/
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I wish I had an Elmer's glue stick, thenI could make my own art from old
and used scraps.
Warm sunny spring day, not too boring,
not too exciting either. "Act automatically,"
I keep saying to myself, time to pause
and not think so much.
I scratch my mustache, and I rub my chin. I
stare out into space. I have to admit that I'm
having fun.
Why does that young woman always run?
It seems to me that if she does it all the time,
she won't be able to concentrate on the
moment as well. I'm just jealous, my days
of that kind of youthful energy is passing.
I don't mind taking it slow. You know-smell
the roses and race with the rabbit. It's weird
for being turtles, the Ninja move very
swiftly. They killed the fable.
I believe it all comes from the inside, not the
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