Jesus Christ alone possess the golden keys to unlock my heart's door.
Category: /Once Upon a Time, I Became a Christian/
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Jesus Christ alone possess the golden keys to unlock my heart's door.Once upon a time, but not so very long ago. I once was a younger
and nine year old girl. When I heard Jesus Christ, gently
knocking at my heart's door. Longing to enter inside and wash away
my sins by making my heart as pure as freshly fallen snow.
Once upon a time, the summertime when I was thirteen year's old.
A university camp counselor had me unburden my heart. For many
decades, I would name the age of thirteen as the year I became saved.
Once upon a time, I once was eighteen years old. Door bellers from
Calvary Baptist Church knocked upon our apartment door. I rededicated my
life to Jesus Christ.
Once upon a time, and I am skipping decades, it was October 2006.
And for the second time, I became a Lutheran and a member of
the ElCA's Faith Lutheran Church. And I have been a Christian
Lutheran every since.
Once upon a time, but no so very long ago, several times
I willfully walked away from the redeemer of my life,
Jesus Christ. But like the prodigal daughter, he called me back!
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