Tension Is In The Stretched Rope
Category: /General/
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I brew coffee in the late morning.I boil water for my oatmeal treat.
My toilet gurgles due to a leak. I
don't have a lot of time on this earth,
but I do have a long time to live.
What ever comes to mind, what is
left for chance, I see the variables
and the season through a plant-covered
When will the dissention stop?
Why don't you turn off the air-
conditioner? It is way too cool
in here to keep it on.
Does my smoke-filled room rise and
enter every opening as you frolic
and laugh with your booty and booty-
maker? Your screeches and sounds
make me feel dumb.
I try it with sadness, and embrace
the madness. Happy floating downstream,
rough riding upstream. Tension is in the
stretched rope, let it go and it will
Protests turn into riots. Burning ends
the silence. Fighting for causes and
not knowing what those causes are.
The disease remains: I'll sit back and
play my guitar, do some laundry, collect
my coins, paint a picture, and have a
smoke. Mine is a shoe-shine world and a
red cardinal crown beginning.
Happy memories are my mother,
father, brothers, sisters and family.
Anger and fear are my enemies. These are
the best and worst of times.
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