If you want to have a friend why not be one?
Category: /Spiritual Lyrical Poerty/
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If you want to have a friend why not be one?Placing all of your faithful trust in a special
someone. Who faithfully promises to never leave
nor desert you. In good times and in bad your
heart will be made glad. For, Jesus Christ,
is the very best friend you ever will have.
Oh let your heart rejoice! Oh let your spirit be glad!
If you want to have a friend why not be one?
When your dark clouds block the sun, aren't
you have a special friend. Who will remain
with you until the very ending of your earthly days.
And when your life has ended. Your new life in
heaven will never end. Since you decided to depend upon him.
Your saved friends and family, you will see again.
When Jesus Christ first gave you his free gift of everlasting life.
You were guaranteed everlasting life. Becoming part of
the body of Christ. You are now one of the wild olive trees.
Eternally, you have been set free, from death, hell and the grave.
All because Jesus Christ reached out his hand and rescued you.
Satan has no more power over you. Even though the devil will still
still manage to tempt you. Once you were lost, but now you are found.
Once you were blind, but now you see. Jesus Christ in all of
his bright and shiny glory. This is the new beginning of
your redemption story. When Jesus Christ came into your heart,
your whole new life was given a fresh start. And then the Holy
Spirit came also into your heart. Cleansing your lost soul,
by making all of your sins much whiter than snow.
Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/ October Country
January 19, 2020
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