Category: /General/
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Omu. be warned.
I knew a man sometime ago who could kill with fun and murder with laughter and steal with distraction. He was a bricklayer, as bricklaying still exists. This man shed so much blood that at the time he died, by heaven's laws, he was to be and was smashed by a trailer. He killed babies, smashed them and used them to make soap. He was of the Gentle River Society. If you wanted to die, you just needed to lack a job, then go to a job site where he worked as foreman servantus. While carrying "blocks" (because they don't exist again), he make so much fun to make you laugh that if giggled, he would transfer the food in your tummy to his, and would die of ulcer. One day in Sand Harbor, a young Ibo guy who had a heavy head had come to visit a relative. He was missing till today, exactly 22years ago, and he was responsible. Though he was a bricklayer, he only used it as a cloak, because he doubled as the Chief priest of the land. And, oh, for tradition! The chief had just died, and by tradition, a fresh human head had to be buried alongside him, placed with his corpse in the coffin. And I don't blacketty blank watch masqueraders, because I'm not an illetrate. But I wept and dared to peep through the door panel, to watch the dancers dance, floating the coffin with the chief's corpse and the stranger's head. Yes. The deed was done.
This stranger had been beheaded by him (he was a head Hunter), had his head extracted, and his body dumped in the mud in River Emilia. But with all his deeds, he still feared a little boy who could return from Choir rehearsals at 12am, walk through the dark 2 kilometer road home while they played "Ekpo Government", the verdict of which for anyone should be death. Or have you not heard of the guy that was chopped into piecies, boiled and eaten by a chief and his subordinates in Anak, recently. In the case of my uncle, he was chopped into pieces on the pretext he had an abominable diseases ( still caused by them), simply because he spoke French? I think "a fish is born in the river, grows in the river and dies in the river?"
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