Category: /General/
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WRITE THERAPY (ALSO LITERACY THERAPY)Except where the patient is so weak or incoherent that they cannot (even when they are incoherent, they may be helped to do so), to have them write something, anything of any length, either words, pictures or scribbling (sensible or senseless), especially a lengthy one, while sick, which hand written or drawn font or pattern, and meaning or coherence (may not be meaningful) detects the cause or diagnoses of the illness they are suffering/ essentially the spirit tormenting them.
A type of chocolate printed as ink on a type of light paper-like cake or potatoes/ yam chips, usually containing short stories that are eaten after being read.
A type of fiery super rays that are converted to harmless rays that are used to send SMS or calls or data on mobile network during rainy or cold weather.
A type of equipment like a wrist watch tied on the skin over fractured bones, which can collate, gather and refix them after washing them internally with plasma and bands them together till they are healed. Employs a scanner.
To wind back to a person and place where an event or performance was made using the backward Intentioner so that live performances are taped and made to accompany audio productions no matter how long ago such renditions were made. Also involves capturing from the past, even before the days of audio or video tapes live events such as Abraham Lincoln's speech by ENERGY SIMULATION, GUARD SPEED and INFO SWIM.
A type of intentioner operated 5G info that helps you relate with another person who is remote but found in the mind/ of and known by another person.
An arrangement made by governments of G-8/the US and GBR which allows that each existing human being, group or country, has weapons made in their name and stored for use against them should they be found to be a threat to humanity, usually stored in CAPTAIN HOST in Jupiter.
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