Summer Is Burning The Grass
Category: /General/
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Spontaneous. Follow the guidelines. Summer is burning the grass. Engines
roaring in the background. Humidity
level is high, at least it feels like it.
The window slats give out little light
but enough to read a short-story. A
poem a day. A chapter a day. An essay
a day. That all makes one a prolific reader.
Doing more than that will become boring
like watching paint dry.
Reverb echo and phalanger notes. Acrylic
paints and watercolor landscapes. Brushes
and pocket knives. Writings that look like
laundry lists.
T.S. had a lilting image style. He also wore
suits. He was a business man during the day,
and at night the words he wrote blended into
the loop of the universe. As accurate as the
workings of a Swiss watch. A well-functioning
machine. Hail to those who confront evil and
mow it down.
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