The Field Marshall
Category: /General/
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Ever since the Field Marshall has lived in the United States his energy pushes the book-carts. "I am thinking of Mother
Teresa among the bad paintings and of Daniel Boone on
the shelf staring at the woman with the eagle tattoo on her
lower back." He says.
In the house of Mrs. Bornham a teacher Flim Flam Dogs she
snorts like a reactive atom. It is old ship and shallow waters
exposed in the starlight where happy dancers and porpoises
rise up to the black foam.
We see the feet of the Field Marshall racing up the stairs and
frowning above a rail with anger in his eyes. We see the twist
of the horses tails under the parking lot awning as his wet and
radical words smother the morning. He is a funny man but what
in the hell is he talking about? His sharp tongue he is hyperactive.
Everything he says we will negate. Daniel Boone Bornham and
Mother Teresa I remember a wrapped piece of peppermint candy
and an old and dry sucked lemon drop.
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