After So Many Words
Category: /General/
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And after so many words the real sentence lives.And after so many snowflakes the real melting lives.
It could be worse if it was always dry so let's allow it
to thrive.
To wake up and breathe the cold air. To raise ourselves
into the warmth of the sun. We were brought up by our
own fortune. Always working for a smile in which to cast
our light upon the solid ground. It could have been worse
if it was always dry so let's allow it to live.
And after so much of the future we may walk to deep
forest lakes and complicate things aside from simplicity
of shelter. We run home to hide from frustration. When
we forget the now in place of the never we watch our
breathing so we can ignore the destruction of our rotting
roots. And by the twisting of our watchbands and the ashes
of burnt paper it always becomes dry.
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