Category: /General/
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For all fractured lives. "Gather the fragments."
When you see an albino, nature and God are reporting that somebody ate a white man in that generation some time ago, which is an aspect of Naturalistics, and which is why albinos will now be tanned, supernaturally and medically/ scientifically to their right tone of melanin pigment contents, giving them their real skin colors. If a child looks like a monkey, nature and God are reporting that their generations either worshipped monkeys or had sex with them. Some even yell "I have been initiated into witchcraft!" with their Lemboroso big heads (Lemboroso big headed thieves!). So, our physical, mental and spiritual looks (whether clogged with infarctions or demons or imperfections) are always reporting the deeds of past generations or the immediate generation. A child was once born. He reported, "see, I have no legs; somebody ate my legs while I was in the womb, so I am lame", which is usually the case with all cases and conditions of impairment. So, when God was angry with biblical Israel for allowing such heathen, witchcraft practice among them, he asked Isaiah to ask them: "Who made the lame?" They, in their obstinacy were jeering at God and saying "it is you. After all you create evil and good". But God replied... "When you go to the wombs of women and suck the proteins off the eyes and legs and other parts of the bodies of foetuses, then come back and initiate them into witchcraft when they are born, deceiving them that I [God] am not good, for having "created" them imperfectly? So, who made the lame?
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