Category: /General/
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Oh, for ignorance!
"Whether you like it or not, you will masturbate [that is why God is the best manager and is answerable to none, nor respects anyone, because, always, His Will's got to be done somehow]", the girl said to me, and I laughed. It's just like driving a vehicle. Who's on the control; demons or God, can either drive it to safety or ram the vehicle into a lorry. So, you talked of "Incubus and Succubus": is that all you know? So, I talked of "Demeter and Persephone". The source of all madness, suicide and all forms of evil is "MASTARBATION"! Period! And it's founded on guilt. Quick to quote the Bible? That if you look at a woman to lust at her, you commit adultery?" What of fornication? While we should not covet our neighbors' wives or husbands or "THINK upon a maid", "to the pure, all things are pure". Paul is speaking of Masturbation; a common, natural process people have made complex problems of in humanity, God constantly reminding them of their need to have sex and cool down their complex brains or have orgasm. [ In myth, it is used to make witches and wizards powerless]. But he ends up saying, "but I myself do the things of the body" ( i.e properly interpreted "with my body, I serve the law of (sin)"). (He wasn't talking of sin)! Then, he says in Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation..." Let no religious hypocrite tell you you should not masturbate; as far as the truth is concerned, everyone masturbates; from the laity to the led. But you should not go into youthful lust or fornication or adultery.
Sometimes, the Holy Spirit, who is the manager of everybody, deliberately rams you into the act of running/ racing thoughts into your mind to masturbate from what you term "lust" to cool your systems, which is not sin. If it were a sin, why have you not conquered it till now, but make it a permanent secret you or your children suffer from, or hide the truth from innocent children and show them to your own children? Nobody has ever conquered masturbation - those who say they do - lie. At times, God makes you "***k" out the devil in a demonic imaginary personality, no matter how unwilling you are, through a self-cooling process of orgasm or masturbation. Don't mind those that say it is "spiritual fornication", harrassing your conscience [Apostle Paul talked a lot about these legalists, who even prescribed circumcision as a solution to what is obviously not a sin in any way]; it is actually the witches and wizards that commit spiritual fornication and adultery. And you talk of Er and what belongs to Kings! Rather than the hidden intension of spilling it on the ground, so as not to assume responsibility bringing up someone's else's son? Don't kick against the pricks anymore. Masturbate very well without guilt. It is a mental/ biological process. Moses said "in this my big camp, so far you don't covet your neighbor's wife/ husband, if you have an issues running in your flesh, wash your clothes." So, "why cry over spilled milk?", the way American women say; simply because you looked at a beautiful woman or handsome man. All these religious beguortoise are founded on fear and guilt, as much as you should "keep your heart with all diligence."
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