Why should I feel fearful?
Category: /Christian Spirtual Gospel Song/
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OH! Why should I feel fearful?Why should I feel afraid?
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
When the Holy Spirit of the Lord
Shall abide with me for always
When the Holy Spirit of the Lord
Shall abide with me for always
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
When Jesus Christ shall never leave
Nor shall He ever desert me
When Jesus Christ shall never leave
Nor shall He ever desert me
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
When Jesus Christ will be with me
On my earthly final day! Final day!
When Jesus Christ will be with me
On my earthly final day! Final day!
OH! Why should I feel fearful?
Why should I feel afraid?
OH! Why should I feel fearful
OH! Why should I feel afraid?
Because Jesus Christ really
Loves me! Yes, He really loves me!
Jesus Christ my Lord really loves
Even me! The very least of these! A-Men!
Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/ October Country
February 06, 2021
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