Kookie the Dog
Category: /General/
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Kookie the Dog wants to excel in all of her classes. She also wants the same for her friends, classmates, and students at large. In addition, she wants everyone to stay healthy and safe from Covid 19. Furthermore, her older cousin and adoptive father Officer Dog wants the same thing not just for his family members but for society as a whole.
Thus, he issued a stay-at-home order not just for his daughter but everyone in the Land of Literature. Of course, the blue-green dog can still learn and work from home. Surely, she can go outside to the mailbox in order to send letters as long as she wears her masks as well as her face shield or safety googles and gloves. An alternative to the gloves, though, is to use the paper towels yet she wants to go the extra mile to protect society. As a result, she will not only wear her masks and shield. She will additionally wear her gloves and use paper towels whenever she must touch anything that's not hers.
Amazingly, she is working from home as a Photomath Expert via her cellular phone and she volunteers as a virtual game show host at Google University online. She creates the questions in order to share with her friends, classmates, and other students. Moreover, she wants her family as well as her colleagues and those whose are struggling to prosper.
In fact, she wants the entire community to flourish safely so she devises the questions and shares them based on their interests. The sky is the limit for Kookie the Dog, her family members, friends, classmates, the students, graduates, job seekers, and all of the members of the flock holistically.
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