Camped For The Night
Category: /General/
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I was on my way to a distant place traveling over land And a friend asked me could she come along for the ride..
We both on horse back pack horse and all made a camp
A good fire burning set up a tent going to be chilly out side..
Threw a whack of wood on the fire and sat around it so
Singing a few good country songs that we both knew..
Full moon giving us such blessings and endless stars
We were having a great time out there very peaceful too..
She ventured over to throw another branch on the fire
And an old lizard gave there gave her such a fright..
She took off and there ripped her jeans almost off
Yelling oh great what now the hell will I do tonight..
I told her there's always a blanket that'll do the job
She looked at me and then she smiled and she said..
You and me and just one tent how I can just imagine
Me in only a blanket all night curled up in my camp bed..
Well as I remember it was a good night to remember
As all I had to say every now and again during the night..
Hope no lizards come into this tent out of the cold
And she jumped up without that blanket again in fright..
Life sure does have it's moments to appreciate at times
And memories can be so wonderful at times it's so true..
Mr Lizard if ever I run into you again along some bush track
I'll remember to stop and say thanks again for all lizards do..
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2016
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