The Police Dog, His Daughter and Friends Prewrite 1
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It was thundering and lightning on the Sunday afternoon of July 11, 2021. Therefore, Officer Dog really needed to take a nap. After all, he was tired anyway. Thus, he got in the bed and he went to sleep. Before long, he dreamed that Khan Academy Kids had asked him to write children's stories in order to contribute to their Virtual Summer Camp. Since the week of Independence Day 2021 was Dino Week, he could write stories about dinosaurs. Interestingly, he had several friends who are dinosaurs who lived in the plastic bags in the guest room where he slept. Alternatively, he could write a poem about their friendship. He could also write an essay or research papers about the dinosaurs or create Power Points and then upload pictures of his best friend Ducky's extinct ancestral relatives.
The sky is the limit for the children and the police dog. He would even encourage his younger cousin and adoptive daughter Kookie the Dog to take steps of faith so that she can use her gifts to help others. Of course, Officer Dog has been setting a positive example not just for his daughter Kookie but for all of his younger relatives although he does understand her desire to be her own individual.
In fact, many of her peers want to be their own individual and so does he himself. In other words, he does not want to be like those who have gone before her because they have been bullied by society and they have never received total justice. He does not want his daughter, her friends, or anyone else to struggle the way his other family members have struggled. Moreover, he does not want to go through what his elders have gone through and he doesn't his daughter, her friends, or any of the students to be judged by anyone at all...
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