Category: /Look/Listen/Learn/
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I had a dream it seemed to be main stream, wonderful all agleam but it wasn't what it seemed.
I saw the Earth in all its glory, what I also saw told a chilling and eye opening story. I was looking at the Earth from afar, when I got closer it became very weird, bizarre.
For the Earth was in an entanglement, some people seemed to fortunate, while others were in torment. There was a lot of malcontent and lament but everyone seemed disoriented.
There were millions of strands, which everyone was trying to climb, so many refused to understand, they could tag heavenly Hands which would keep them out of the Shadowlands.
As I was watching all the faces, all the races, family and friends, trying their best to ascend, it made my hair stand on ends. For there were flocks of people, not flowing to but ebb, you see the Earth was surrounded by a real - World Wide Web.
While looking at all the turmoil, the stress and the strife, I heard, this web represents the different paths of life. And all the strands were broad except one, very few tried it, where's the party, not much fun.
Even though the broad would defraud, run roughshod, they were looking at the well to do who had them awed. Shouting, well to do we'll follow you, we give you the glory and followed them straight into purgatory.
I was surprised how the wide had them mesmerized, they looked easy to climb but they were falling big time. Thousands were stuck between strands, although they were reaching, they still would not tag The heavenly Hands.
And millions were stuck, a lot awestruck, horrified falling by the wayside, it had become far too rough a ride, even committing suicide. At first I was confused, then I stood accused, feeling for years I'd been used. It hit me like a brick and cut to the quick. When you don't heed instruction, you fall prey to seduction and wide is the path to destruction.
Then it came into view, the true go to. The only one like an arrow, straight and very narrow. Even though it was a very thin strand, they were able to climb, they tagged The Heavenly Hands.
One peeped over the clouds, shouted, I'm here, Hallelujah then disappeared. I felt kinda hollow cause that was hard to swallow but the rest soon followed. And without a doubt, I knew, that was the only way out.
Made me jump out of my chair, no way that was a nightmare, then am I losing my mind? It was daytime.
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