The Snow Bully's Fears
Category: /General/
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The Snow Bully really loves his family and this especially includes his children. He is really afraid of losing them. Thus, he smothers them with his presence and he does not trust them to be alone. Whenever they assert their independence from him, he either thinks that they are crazy and/or compares them to their mother who has divorced him because he is just too controlling. Of course, the offspring do not want to be like either parent or other family members. They are more interested in breaking out of the box in order to make a difference in society at large. In particular, they want to help the family and others who are struggling without being held back by those who have been the most afraid of change.
Change is what the Snow Bully, his older relatives, and many other lawmakers are scared of. They are all stuck in a prison of tradition and expect everyone to follow the status quo, which is their definition of normal and sense.
Nonetheless, the kids get bored with following the crowd and being like everyone else. They realize it is wrong to stereotype and these overgeneralizations limit everybody. In addition, they understand that traditional thinking stifles creative and creative thinking that can actually help or protect their families and/or other high-risk populations.
However, the children are intimidated because they don't want to risk disrespecting their elders and they have been taught to respect everyone. Thus, they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and they would rather those who are the ages of their parents or grandparents talk to them and/or their peers so that they won't risk being disrespectful.......
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