Category: /General/
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Sites proving but their realities hidingData collections documented filed per day
Souls convinced of communication world wide
Silent crimes committed never on display
A building of entities created over time
A depopulation of a planet ever crowded
As if a plan to lessen numbers on earth
Existing but ever cleverly as is shrouded
Numbers identities ages abilities talents
Along with endless not all that of need
To one day as if dispose of many that be
Seen in life's gardens less than a weed
Slowly gently not noticed by ever so many
Governments religions organizations exist
Seen by powers that be as progress on earth
A reality that's never to date been kissed
Souls vanishing lives banishing all the while
Children souls stolen a planet swollen ever so
As if agreements reached exist by powers that be
Beyond comprehensions of endless never to know
Never spoken secrets never broken never awoken
Planet earth one day a property created never new
No more the milk and honey only mountains of money
Like the winds on earth never before ever blew
And all the while communicational sites they smile
While the closed minds in life follow many a rule
Thinking they that this game play are ever divine
Them unknowing each day passing becoming the fool
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2017
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