Category: /General/
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SCARES THE LIFE OUT OF ME Older than most today I might well be
From an older school away back is me
Still very capable in all things naturally
But this day and age scarey I must agree
Life it was all once of absolute simplicity
We worked so very hard days nights of rest
Provided best as each could come what may
However each always strived to do ones best
Common sense ruled with values and integrity
All they understood well a right from wrong
People helped one another given if ever in need
Friends lasted as if forever as a memory of song
People kept their old time religions to themselves
Walking down streets all knodded or said hello
Generations of respect through offspring grew
As each through life making their way they'd go
The word politics in dictionaries meant for people
And governments strove on any day to do just that
Racism existed even away back then among some
But that word was not the done thing away back
There were always weeds in a garden back then
But people kept their gardends weeded as best
As each could manage to do upon any given day
As in life strove to pass each days each days test
At times a soul well might have an affair in life
However most chose to ignore looking another way
As they decided they never knew all the facts being
And it would sort it's self out upon another day
Life way mostly simplicity people liked it that way
As each day passed looking back the older would agree
But today on any day one thing is for ever always sure
Life ..religions and politics scares the very life out of me
terrence mochael sutton
copyright 2018
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