Not The Planet I was Born On
Category: /General/
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Since sixteen I've written of all I saw felt thoughtAll ever so true was it all from where I stood
Everyone had their daily problems away back then
But they felt long ago it'd be sorted knock on wood
Over my life I've traveled to places a lot none have
And seen beauty beyond cpmpare all along the way
During which my insifnificance was my invisibility
Endless happiness families children all upon display
So many people that since backthe have passed I loved
And as sadly as I dare a lot of those souls and places
Simply no longer exist any more re age and even war
Gone forever many beautiful places and once loved faces
Religions Politics Racism and greed like I've never seen
Has swept through the minds and hearts of endless others
With all I've leaned as in life life's candles they burned
Heartache death trauma endless fathers children mothers
I've sat alone shadow of tree my home my face in hands
And still I fight ongoing feelings whats it all about
Who with half a brain would rather this kind of life
I to my own echo have been known to cry out in shout
The entire planet has almost been raped or destoyed
Cities that where pleasure to eyes reduced to rubble
Countless loving families followed them to the ground
Their once dreams of happiness burst just a bubble
Poetry I've written endless but now I sit with pen
And for the life of me ask myself what can I say
That would have any of this earths destroyers read
Even a single word and feel as I do come what may
I myself never dreamed long ago I's see real life
Become way worse than a horror movie of long ago
And with all my experience and travels in this life
I bow my head whispering the words I just don't know
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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