Category: /General/
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Everybody cannot really know everybody
But one thing I just wish less would assume
They know all of one they do not know
Believing what the feel come sun or moon
They then run around telling come what may
Of the assumptions they love so to create
Their little minds lying to their very selves
Without the I Q of how to close a front gate
Them being born when I was forty or so
They feel you arrived only just yesterday
Never did a hard days work in their lives
But always have plenty it seems to say
They praise the Lord and pray how they do
Thinking at night the Lords is still sleeping
And has not a clue of half the things they do
With laughter the angels must be all weeping
Butter would not simply melt in their mouths
So holier than thou they all wear this coat
No experience in life still dating only boys
Dispite them instead of sheep act the goat
What they don't know they just assume so
And their assumptions all away off track
One really has to smile more so all the while
When ones been where they dreame and back
But this is where they are and come from
And this is where they've been and they are
Without a clue the real peron soul who's you
Driving their assumptions like broken car
They have a need to assume and to thus tell
All they know as it boosts their lives it seems
If only they talked less and acted more I feel
They'd know of a few of lifes wildest dreams
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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