I'M Still Trying
Category: /General/
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I've been a writer of poetry of songs of life
To write as long ago I really used to do
Of it's still a beautiful world but honestly
I cannot escape all thats happening this day true
I cannot ignore regardless of country wars that are
Of so much because of relighions politics of race
The generations from birth born knowing nothing else
And try as I may this I can in this life embrace
The bombing of hospitals schools all children
The greed the need to do so at incredible speed
We have one planet home we are one human race
Why cannot we all seek peace upon eath the need
Will it take a plantary disarster a mighty rock
As one hit this planet the longest time ago
Adding them all then to a civilisation when
Wiping the human race for a million years it's so
People all mostly want a home a families love
A garden a job a life on which they can depend
And I watch the news head in my hands wondering
It's all more than my very mind can ever contend
Ever so many religions reasons for war behind same
Politics run by most born when I was of forty years
Ever so much academic crap those with their ego's
Brings a heart mind and soul reducing them to tears
Trafficking drug production children being abused
Well over time if one wants to lower the score
To make capital punishment a requirement in life
One cannot reabilitate a sickest mind for sure
Lower the costs of prisons have religions pay tax
Everybody knows right from wrong do wrong pay the price
Get rid a racism it's an insult to any decent mind
Keep any un-desired opinions to ones self on ice
Smplicity an easy word to understand if one chooses
Give back if not too late a lot more to our earth
Animals birds even insects have more brains than most
Become an entity of way more caring human worth
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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