Category: /General/
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Not a living memory can go back that far todayBut they were committed then and accpted too
So many are there too many to right their wrongs
Not a lot has ever changed in regards to a few
The very degredation and sexist opinions still
Regarding women rich or poor still just the same
As it was when Religion and it's politics began
Not long after cave men loved sunshine and rain
Little girls they grow into one day being a woman
Endless little boys they grow only changing size
They leave their mothers and eventually marry one
When women marry they adopt often a son no surprise
When a guy reaches twenty years as does a woman
He usually ends up twenty years but in his teens
A woman twenty already in many ways a good thirty
Shen no longer one of his once loved teenage queens
She's doing all his mother ever did for him and more
Generally speaking ask him he'll say I'm now the man
He retains his mates his loves and hates no debates
She's lucky to go anywhere but shopping if she can
And soon added in life are often children plus one
She's now his carer cleaner accountant often nurse
When she gets ill she carries on him ill he's dying
And yet they still say for better or for worse
I talked once to a woman who wanted to burn the bra
She said to me men marry mothers they nightly lay
Might have been a long time ago in all honesty but
So much truth in what this woman had then to say
And yet it's been no different from year three ten
When all men wrote their thoughts called it a bible
Never have paid a dime tax yet rule their roosts
With their sexist opinions an earth crime so liable
Nobody stops to think when a man takes a wife in life
He then feels he becomes the owner of her living soul
Has not been any different in all earths time this time
Oldest crime committed never changed oldest days of old
She's his as if slave in life he her boss in charge
Along with his adopted and denied deepest ego within
He can do just about anything he so chooses as man
If she has an original thought it could well be sin
Religion politics and games little boys often play
Are responsible for wars and so much worse as well
And sad as it is in life children how they often pay
And families world wide all the while live in a hell
Still since times winds blew sunshine snow and rain
Nothing has ever changed in all of this earths time
Since little boys desided they were the man long ago
The largest earthly deliberate ever to be earths crime
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018 ..
Believing means one thinks so but not sure
Knowing is a whole different kettle of fish..
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