After All Said And Done
Category: /General/
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After all said and done on earth-
One of the most stupid things they do-
Upon this our only planet home
Is cutting down the natural forests true-
On it's own a planetary suicide
That effects all upon earth that be-
It has way more a long term reaction
Cutting in mass the natural forest tree-
Ever so many simply do not realize
What it is they actually do-
By destroying the natural forests
Clearing endless jungles it's so true-
Been going on for ages to this day
Almost too late to turn around-
The damage they do in a single day
To repair would take years it can be found-
Trees provides the earths very oxygen
The very air we breath each and every day-
And that effects ever so much more
Taking ever so much more as well away-
They say only fools cut off their noses
For nothing else but selfish gain-
To keep doing as they have been
Is nothing less that being so very insane-
After all said and after all done
And though few actually realize-
Just what is happening and whats been done
What they do right before ones eyes-
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2008
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