Category: /General/
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How would one feel in any school of leaning
To be detained within the class just done
Giving weight to a student ready for all
Ahead of them having the last exams all won
This life now being as well a school to learn
And within the school of life this here a class
A class once finished the next class it awaits
To all open minds this a fact as clear as glass
We all eventually move higher still after here
This class a material one the body just a tool
For ongoing souls to use in order to function
Concentrating here ater not here being a fool
A body a vehicle that souls use to drive and use
Here ater taught by many are distracting at best
Not allowing this class be all one here can ever be
And preventing many in this class to pass this test
Theres reasons this time all have limited knowing
First lesson being able to crawl before any walking
Self interest one thing greed completely different
Endless none tax paing convincing needless talking
If all concentrated on basics here and now this time
Peace upon earth would be for all appreciate known
To believe means one thinks so but not at all sure
Leaning to know one finds all upon earth have grown
No Dean of this whole university life appreciates fools
Preventing all who've learned moved on to further still
This classes universities karma will prevail all religions
They've learned nothing and never in this class ever will
Concentrating on the class your in getting that right first
Religion causes more woe than any could ever imagine true
If all of all religions disappeared today in an hour of time
Peace upon earth would be the day after and belong to you
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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