Memories Wrapped In Silence
Category: /General/
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During my life and vast amount of travels
I've come to meet beautiful souls all the way
In places many have never yet ever been to
Never repeated a word a name come what may
Among them famous just escaping reality there
Some married not knowing in life what to do
From wealthy to poor on many a distant shore
At times it gave several a reason to go on true
None of which intentional just a moment in time
They knew they could trust a genuine loving heart
Fantasies ever so many only ever dream of being
Moments simply being themselves a world to part
Every one of them I still can call a friend in life
Every one sees myself still just the very same
Bringing a little sunshine during a hearts storm
Open fires in a cabin over night mountain or plain
Moments of complete abandon time standing still
Allowing one to escape the worlds realities of life
Treasured most beautiful memories they live still
As if to catch ones breath in a time in life of strife
I've seen many just walking with family over time
Just a glance a smile a nod as in a passing memory
Had several walking as if within an unchosen dance
Treasured moments that once lived within all sincerity
Ever talented souls within every walk of life over time
With at times children grown our smiles familier true
Of moments a soul deep when the going was ever steep
Not a word just a lit face a smile and hello how are you
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2000
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