Within A Souls Travels
Category: /General/
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Away back within a souls memories of long ago
There lives moments of ecstasies unknown many
Over endless classes lived and ever appreciated
If remembered this time would turn minds of any
However ruling the world at any passed given time
Has for all time upon earth been to many a dream
Rather than to simply only to love and to be loved
As a part of each days sunshine and mountain stream
Imagined ideas of the more one had the more ruled
Greed was born within souls with much to learn
Becoming uncaring integrities respect values died
As over endless time the candle of life to burn
Judgementle attitudes filled the minds of likes
And as if politics later religions gathered mind
As to have endless feel the need to follow them
The oldest forms of crime to mankind ever to find
Within every beautiful earth garden lives weeds
No cultivation needed over time uncaring growth
And from the beautiful gifts of many a loving soul
Were convinced to follow them with dedicated oath
How the caring loving became weighted with guilt
Soon the weeds invented a binding word called sin
Turning the once loving as free into as if slaves
To do the bidding of self appointed soul colloecters
Having the most beautiful follow until their graves
If only the beautiful souls realized here to learn
And bodies of flesh only vehicles that souls need
That all souls in this class require to experience
Love and being loved without the attitudes of weed
However the numbers grew following the gardens weeds
The some weeds they chose ways to as well survive
Doing things as they thought might be better still
Making slaves of remaining beauty still freely alive
There is not being a single part of a souls vehicle
That's not meant to be used by a souls very education
But now these weeds have such a hold on all beautiful
With their lies and hypocriticle vows of expectation
Invented was rasism critasizing others any different
And later endless biblicologies of how life it begun
When long ago when beauties seeds in lifes garden grew
And endless propergations of beauty loved rain and sun
Every souls vehicle wears and in time falls to earth
But weeds have ways of closing many a beautiful mind
And truth still lives within that the weeds are sin
Being that an open mind will ever learn you'll find
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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