Some Called Him The Dobro Picking Fool
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Some called him ..A Dobro Picken Fool
Ever since he was a lad there was only one dream he had
He wanted to play guitar and be the best
One day he'd saved enough to buy one the colour of story sky
And he'd practice every day to pass each test~
He'd be out upon that porch Every afternoon
He end up becoming as if he dobro picken fool
Never letting up at all giving it all he had
Sitting out there after school upon a stool
He knew every song and tune there was to play
He made that thing just seem to talk
Stretching the strings in his own very way
To the extent as if it would get up and walk
He'd knock out a tune as good as the best
Learnt to sing with a real country cry
And they'd all stop listening as they passed by
The children around how they'd all dance
The old would sit listening on a sunny day
Benieth the trees and under the bluest sky
Upon their way back home after a shopping day
How they enjoyed his playing tapping feet to asigh
Always sitten upon his makeshift stool
Upon his fathers porch up on that hill
Youd see people sitten on the ground
Most say they can hear him still
One mornen they took him away before break of day
They said the lad had died within his sleep
And the whole town this day came out to find
For they couldnt hear a sound not a single peep
On that sad last day in december
The kid they called the Dobro picken fool
Now they have a statue and a plaque
Some say they can him sitting on that stool
Ever a lad there was only one dream that he had
Was to play guitar and be among the best~
Well one thing for sure he'll be for evermore
The Dobro picken fool that passed his every test~
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1968
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