And Meanwhile The Children Are Dying
Category: /General/
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Dedicated religious masses attending
Worldwide all over our planet home
Thanking their God for all he's doing
Crying with God we'll never walk alone
That with him all things are possible
Miricles happen peace on earth will be
And while they pray every day their way
Endless die living in the wars of reality
Entire cities leveled entire families die
Thousands of little children dead dying
The innocent running bombs keep humming
The entire planetalmost destroyed crying
Hospitals rubble no food medical supplies
Placing it daily upon the telivision news
Nobody seems to have solutions or cares
They cry with their God how can we lose
If there was'nt any religions greed insanity
Politics all playing useless games just speak
And meanwhile all the children keep on dying
More dying now they say earth belongs to meek
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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