Category: /General/
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When ever I had a problem
That to me did not make sense~
And I wanted to be away from it
In my mind I imagined a fence~
When I decided I wanted to put it behind me
I then climbed that fence in my mind~
And then the further I walked away from it
The further the problem and the fence was behind~
The further away from the problem and the fence was I
The more confident I then became
Then the more I had made up my mind
Never to return again~
I kept that fence handy in my mind
To separate things that were not best for me~
And it always remained there within my mind
To have myself from these things free ~
Most of the problems in our lives
Comes from others and not a lot our doing-
If we could have our lives the way we wished
It would be for happiness and peace of mind pursuing-
Comes time to separate the ours and theirs that be
And create that fence and keep on just walking on-
Towards a way better way to feel a better destiny
Only we ourselves can ever do this all along-
A deliberate effort that really works when done
It takes a strong mind a determined soul within-
To build a would be fence only we know exists
That's when our lives get better and can begin-
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2001
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