TWAS THUS THAT THINE ( written in an english before shakespear )
Category: /General/
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Twas to be that thine alone twood stand Twile moon and star and wind twood be~
Twen shiver twood endure thus so
Failing the likes of time and thee~
Shawled in stance beyond the brush
Two shadows the night produced~
And thy meeting became a meeting thus so
As oneness from twosome reduced~
Walketh thine twards yonder hut
Twere fire burnt there brightly~
Twas there alone twithin this home
Twood love exist so tightly~
Twen moon it slept and clouds they wept
Twith water from heaven it fell~
Holdest thine in arms entwined
And dwell in the home of hunters dell~
From a being of wealth ye came from thus
To a being of both fur and gun~
Twere true love could be forever free
Thus no more eyes of jest in fun~
Twas there that thine chose to be mine
Twen moon and star it shone on high~
Love twas then born as night owl yawned
To vow love till time to die ~
Won a first prize for this long ago ..
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988.
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