Category: /General/
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All of the experts of life today it's so true
I was at school your grand-parents were too
If they could talk to half of you once more
I know what they would say to more than a few
They has love respect live and let live then
Values integrity giving hearts dispite diversity
Their doors were always open to any that knocked
Home made biscutes and a freshest pot of tea
Race was never ever as it is this day and age
Rich or poor they treated all in life as one
Free advice always if asked for by any soul
They never changed until their day was done
They kept all they believed in to themselves
Minded their own businesses as they understood
Times they were hard even in their own back yard
Knowing all were doing the then best they could
But they all had compassion never quick to judge
If ever they could help thats what they'd do
There was always a kind of bata system about
And this being helped way more than a few
The one thing without knowing they did wrong
Was preparing childrens lives better tomorrow
As to have them not know the hardships they did
This is where the earths human race found sorrow
Their off spring never cared as they had done
Not appreciating how hard life it can surely be
Modern tools replaced the once working backs
Wheeling and dealing found much then for free
Old fashioned trust it died as our planet cried
They now took but never gave anything in return
Cutting down miles of forests in a single day
Oxygen we breath feeds lifes candles that burn
This planet they used and others they abused
Formed religions politics to help them too
Started wars to claim whatever maybe yours
Watched endless die no love lost it's true
Like vultures they love to see others fail
No care really families children rich or poor
They called this success come what ever may
Rewrote the dictionaries anda whole lot more
Now we have we the human race and tak a look
At whats happening of late over most of earth
But they foreget what goes around comes around
We now the human race not all that much worth
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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