Category: /General/
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Common Sense Must Prevail ..This site tells add your poetry/Thoughts/Feelings ..
Well I shall do just that ..
Jenwitemi said:
This was perhaps the smartest invention by early man. The sharp, greedy ones among them simply decided to categorize the most pleasurable, carefree human activities as ''sin'' in order to benefit themselves. The process was remarkably simple: Create a montage of powerful supernatural figures, from the bible's ''God'' to its ''Isiaiah'', and ''Jesus''. Claim oversight by these entities of human behaviour. Claim especial access to those beings, as bishops, prophets, priests, popes, and pastors.
Create a set of ''commandments'' supposedly emanating from these supernatural entities. Commandments they know will be nigh-on impossible for humans to follow without cracking up.
Call the flouting of those commandments ''sin''. Thraten non-compliers with the most vicious reprisals - ex-communication, hell-fire, eternal damnation.
End result - Mass Conformity leading to Top $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the clergy.
SIN ...... What a cunning, crafty, highly profitable
invention. All part of the entire worlds greatest crime ..
None taxable organizations and all from the birth of absolute imaginations from endless .. Do as I say .. Not as I do ..Deciples of I feel their own brand of insanity .. And it remains as was since it began to this day .. For all without the I Q and inner strength to see it for what it is ..Telling don't think just have faith .. And I totally agree .. My thoughts ..
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