Different Values .. Different People
Category: /General/
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Ever so many different people on this planet
All with endless different ideas of value true
Some thinking wealth even if they are wealthy
But not satisfied with all life long through
Others walk within a beautiful garden planted
Gazing at blooms that delightfully show faces
Giving thanks for all a gardener does to create
Small birds in trees chirping with loves graces
Some paint landscapes others write poetry songs
Of gentle soul depth voices coming to ones mind
At times what so many are doing to their earth
Uncaring as if to these things they are blind
Wealthy worry someone might take it all away
The poorer ever happy to at all to survive
Little childrens minds closed by religions
As each day in fear with courage they strive
Real life-long friends they once existed true
How things have changed over time upon earth
Of late it's more what one has another can use
Even life has become a thing of little worth
For ever so long humans lived without religion
Or racism and wars sorted over a peaceful fire
Life on earth has become a never ending entity
With all religions and politics of sinful desire
Not stopping to think one day karma takes charge
And yet another civilization found under the sea
When with a little consideration for one another
Still thriving all of them could well still be
I'd rather choose my garden any day stars at night
Though I feel of late ever so worried and alone
As I watch the human race destroy the very earth
Their only ever beautiful planet and earthly home
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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