All Memories Tell Stories
Category: /General/
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Each and ever memory in its own form
Have their own true stories so to tell
They give as if on sight telapathic vibes
Of the experiences they lived so well
We still see them every day around in life
And their stories we can as if hear
As they still live to tell us of a time
Their stories real and so true ever dear
Lessons we can all still learn from of old
Of things in time gone by we never knew
All to be heard by souls that stop to listen
Of memories many stories ever real and true
We so often just walk past upon any day
And do not stop to take in the stories told
To listen to what these memories have to say
Of away back then in their gone days of old.
I once so loved to visit an old peoples home
And got them to talk to myself about early years
And they painted in my mind ever so much of then
As down their cheeks there ran memories now tears
Of things later generations will never know of
Of a world once where souls on earth were free
A peace of mind many might never know of again
But within memories they still live always to be
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2004
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