Category: /General/
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One does not pick fruit while it's still green
Has further yet on the tree of life to grow
One does not need fifteen degrees in life
The same for little children all should know
One does not ever cause others needless harm
Without knowing what goes around returns
The human race has become it's own enemy
Getting worse as universities it's candle burns
Ask yourself how long have humans been here
Then ask yourself how much should be known
Of all the needless harm we've caused others
With as much effort how we could have grown
It's written God is life all things that be on earth
If you believe this do you as well think he's a fool
All things positive all things good loving each other
Bodies die souls live on your here and just a tool
There's not one human entity on earth that knows
All of your as if God above human comprehention
Yet we have religious liers lighting their many fires
With lives to as if come hanging within suspention
We have politics playing look I'm the greates ever
And all they do leaves so very much in life desired
Their as if nooks all say all men on earth are equal
Regardless of race color or as if position all fired
The facts of life are all staring them all in the face
Yet none seem to have the brains to even know
How we are mostly failing so many exams in life
This life a class of learning not a game it's so
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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