Taking time To Go Deeper Within
Category: /General/
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Imagination is the seed of further back withinThan any soul knows of being able to today
Long before the blackboard of earth was wiped
By catastrofphic means that were had their way
Take the time if able to take ones mind back
Allowing positive imagination to travel within
To a time that was long before all we now know
The human uses a small amount of our minds bin
Sit allow imagination of all we now don't know
Giving deepest imaginations seeds that exist
Of before earth was wiped human life did too
With abilities today still not at all kissed
Don't try to steer it simply allow it to come
Ask not of it let the unused mind power speak
Ignore awhile all humans think they know today
Of the all knowing of simple humble form of meek
Blanking mind leave mans as if first breath behind
Way before earth was hit destroyed wiped as a slate
Most we feel today in every way is imaginations play
But most of the human mind still unused to debate
Alone blank mind out of now more of you than known
Man in any form ages ago never knew of their before
Daily survival their only interest memories lost
Closed classrooms slate lost became that very door
Civilizations built the same thousands of miles
Remaining somewhat telling us of a once togetherness
When life in their time worked as one way before
The entire earth was wiped several signs confess
Within ones very unused mind are unused memories
And they now long forgotten hold many a once key
Everyones mind hides thoughts of deep imagination
And away back then they needed not polished degree
Every university only teaches from what was known
From once all knowing life times ago in their day
They then used we feel a brilliance but imagination
With only their experiences writing in their way
But millions of years before earth was wiped clean
Were more brilliant thinking all since a clsing door
Tapping that brilliance of time now lost todays mind
The minds living memories never yet many to explore
Sitting as a studen of ones own deepest mind within
Allowing it to have at least a decent as if say
Unbiestly ignoring all we humans only think we know
Giving unknown depths that live within even today
Imagination the tool we have to use to allow thinking
Imagination I imagine life to come after here and now
The body is but a tool to allow things to be done
Later within the spirit needs not that tool to bow
But to wipe ones mind imagination well could find
Many things that were more brilliant than we know
Allowing thought to surrender report before nort
Ones unknown deepest imaginations might just flow
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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