I Can still Remember
Category: /General/
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I might be getting older all the time
I'm seventy six the second of next June
I remember one could travel any place
Without any worry come sunshine or moon
But that was it seems long ago in time
Now days one could be thrown into a jail
For not dressing how they feel one should
Or blamed for some cocked up charge no bail
One now would have to be now almost insane
To go see the sights in some place not been
Thank goodness I've seen most of them before
Endless politicians played their games supreme
But they all come to Australia bringing woe
Of their generations of religious wars along
And think they can do as they please as well
All singing their closed minded old age song
Filling suburbs their mixed up views on life
Turning Australia into what they've left behind
Not becoming Australian in any shape or form
As well even our politicians to this are blind
Flying by plane come by boat with infected minds
And feel they can change Australia to their ways
Our politicians have their heads up their behinds
In Government they retire soon return once more
Same old same old front to back bench in the halls
Doing things the same expecting different outcomes
Preventing any in the doors with real Aussie balls
Treating this lot better than wild pigs camels too
Selling Australia as well all the time along the way
This lot now telling Australia what they can eat
And getting away with it too slowly every single day
Rediculious sentances for woeful crimes they commit
Allowing them to feel ever free and right at home
They buy up businesses turning Australia into a joke
Australians almost chewing their meat off the bone
Not the country I was born in any more as many feel
After an entire working life over fifty five years
Australian politicians treating pensioners worse
Enough to have old age pensioners in absolute tears
Many old school thinkers looking back feeling sad
Anzacs feeling what ever did I leave home for then
Endless died fighting for Australia all over time
And now seeing Australia totally full of them
As well now one of these and five wives has he
None dressed like Australians not a single one
With them having more rights than an Australian
Protected by poliiticly correct what are we dumb
I can still remember long ago days of Aussie pride
When Australians were known for being Aussies true
Doing things the Australian way we could understand
Now it's almost all flushed down the Aussie loo
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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